Electric Standing Desk

Nowadays, long time working, studying by siting, human muscles, and bones are under long-term tension, it is easy to cause sub-health symptoms such as cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, Muscle aches and pain, Varicose veins, and decreased vision.

This prolonged sitting gets an unavoidable comparison to smoking because of having similar health-hazardous effects. So, reducing sitting hours can be the ideal method to protect your health from harm. A sit-stand desk offers the best solution by allowing people to switch their positions between sitting and standing.


With the help of a gear motor, electric standing desks become multi-functional. With just a press of a button, desks can easily switch between standing and sitting. There are many intelligent sit & stand desks currently available on the market, but they’re met with problems such as High Noise, insufficient load-bearing, limited switchable gears (limited lifting range), short service life, high power consumption, etc. Desks fail to lift smoothly if the speed is not well controlled.

To solve various issue of market’s motor solution for electric Sit-Stand Desk, DONGMING engineers team improve and launch our intelligent electric standing desk motor solution. We recommend use our plenatary gear motor series and worm gear motor series.

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